Curriculum Vitae

2017 - Present Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
2013 - 2017 Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
2013 - 2013 Founder, FerroQuantum Technologies LLC, Auburn, AL, USA
2012 - 2013 Patent Analyst, Cardinal Intellectual Property Inc, Evanston, IL, USA
2011 - 2013 Co-founder, CardioCanary Inc, Union City, CA, USA
2006 - 2012 Senior/Staff R&D Engineer, ArKal Medical Inc, Fremont, CA, USA
2006 - 2006 Postdoctoral Fellow, Civil & Environmental Engineering, UC Davis, CA, USA
2005 - 2005 Instructor, Electrical Engineering, UC Davis, CA, USA
2002 - 2005 Member, Berkeley Sensor and Actuator Center, UC Berkeley,USA
2002 - 2005 Graduate Research/Teaching Assistant, Electrical Engineering, UC Davis,USA
2000 - 2001 Visiting Student, Cornell Nanofabrication Facility, Cornell University, USA
1999 - 2001 Research Assistant, Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore
1999 - 2001 Researcher, Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), Singapore
1998 - 1998 Intern, Institute of Microelectronics (IME), Singapore
University of California, Davis, Electrical Engineering Ph.D. 2005
(Member of Berkeley Sensor and Actuator Center)
Dissertation Title: Micro Corona Ionizer and Its Applications
National University of Singapore, Mechanical Engineering, M.Eng. 2001
(Visiting Student at Cornell University)
Thesis Title: Articulated Development Architecture and Its Application to Development of MEMS Devices
National University of Singapore, Mechanical Engineering, B.Eng. 1999
Thesis Title: Microresonator for Resonant Pressure Sensor
Research Grants
Principal Investigator
Korea National Research Foundation Individual Basic Science Award (2022 - 2024)
Project Field: Soft Candy Diagnostics
Status: Granted.
Principal Investigator
Korea National Research Foundation Individual Basic Science Award (2019 - 2021)
Project Field: Wearable Insulin Pump
Status: Completed.
Principal Investigator
Korea National Research Foundation Individual Basic Science Award (2015 - 2018)
Project Field: Micro Organisms Ionizing Respirator
Status: Completed.
Academic Service Awards
2022 Outstanding Reviewer for 2021, RSC Advances, Royal Society of Chemistry
2021 Outstanding Reviewer for 2020, RSC Advances, Royal Society of Chemistry
Teaching Awards
2023 Teaching Award (Excellence, 15%) KECE 232 Engineering Mathematics II 2022 학년도 2학기 우수강좌 선정
2023 Teaching Award (Excellence, 15%) KECE 212 Physical Electronics 2022 학년도 2학기 우수강좌 선정
2022 Teaching Award (Excellence, 15%) KECE 231 Engineering Mathematics I 2022 학년도 1학기 우수강좌 선정
2022 Teaching Award (Seoktop, 5%) KECE 232 Engineering Mathematics II 2021 학년도 2학기 석탑강의상 수상
2022 Teaching Award (Excellence, 15%) KECE 438 Intro to Quantum Electronics 2021 학년도 2학기 우수강좌 선정
2022 Teaching Award (Excellence, 15%) SEMI 102 Engineering Mathematics II 2021 학년도 2학기 우수강좌 선정
2021 Teaching Award (Seoktop, 5%) SEMI 101 Engineering Mathematics I 2021 학년도 1학기 석탑강의상 수상
2021 Teaching Award (Excellence, 15%) KECE 438 Intro to Quantum Electronics 2020 학년도 2학기 우수강좌 선정
2021 Teaching Award (Excellence, 15%) KECE 232 Engineering Mathematics II 2020 학년도 2학기 우수강좌 선정
2020 Teaching Award (Excellence, 15%) KECE 438 Intro to Quantum Electronics 2019 학년도 2학기 우수강좌 선정
2019 Teaching Award (Excellence, 15%) KECE 231 Engineering Mathematics I 2019 학년도 1학기 우수강좌 선정
2019 Teaching Award (Seoktop, 5%) KECE 232 Engineering Mathematics II 2018 학년도 2학기 석탑강의상 수상
2018 Teaching Award (Excellence, 15%) KECE 231 Engineering Mathematics I 2018 학년도 1학기 우수강좌 선정
2018 Teaching Award (Excellence, 15%) KECE 212 Physical Electronics 2017 학년도 2학기 우수강좌 선정
2017 Teaching Award (Excellence, 15%) KECE 231 Engineering Mathematics I 2017 학년도 1학기 우수강좌 선정
2017 Teaching Award (Excellence, 15%) KECE 438 Intro to Quantum Electronics 2016 학년도 2학기 우수강좌 선정
2017 Teaching Award (Excellence, 15%) KECE 232 Engineering Mathematics II 2016 학년도 2학기 우수강좌 선정
2016 Teaching Award (Seoktop, 5%) KECE 231 Engineering Mathematics I 2016 학년도 1학기 석탑강의상 수상
2016 Teaching Award (Seoktop, 5%) KECE 202 Engineering Mathematics II 2015 학년도 2학기 석탑강의상 수상
2016 Teaching Award (Excellence, 15%) KECE 212 Physical Electronics 2015학년도 2학기 우수강좌 선정
2015 Teaching Award (Seoktop, 5%) KECE 201 Engineering Mathematics I 2015 학년도 1학기 석탑강의상 수상
2015 Teaching Award (Excellence,15%) KECE 202 Engineering Mathematics II 2014 학년도 2학기 우수강좌 선정
2015 Teaching Award (Excellence,15%) KECE 212 Physical Electronics 2014학년도 2학기 우수강좌 선정
Professional License
Registered Engineer-in-Training E.I.T. 133325 California, 2008
License #7500ET-133325 Board For Prof Engineers, Land Surveyors, And Geologists, California Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA). The license issue date is January 16, 2009. The license expiration date is April 30, 2092. The license status is Active.
Professional Identifiers
Web of Science ResearcherID: R-1167-2019
ORCID: 0000-0002-9153-0167
Scopus: 36973839300
Technical Reviewer
AIP Advances (AIP) SCI
Applied Physics Letters (AIP) SCI
Biomedical Microdevices SCIE
Biomedical Optics Express (OSA) SCI
Biomicrofluidics (AIP) SCI
Building and Environment (Elsevier) SCI
Environmental Chemistry (CSIRO) SCIE
Environmental Science and Technology Letters (ACS) SCI
Electronic Letters (Wiley)
IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems SCI
IEEE Electron Device Letter SCI
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letter SCIE
IEEE Sensors Journal SCIE
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering SCI
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems SCI
Journal of Applied Physics (AIP) SCI
Journal of Controlled Release (Elsevier) SCI
Journal of Environmental Management SCI
Langmuir (ACS) SCI
Measurement (Elsevier) SCI
RSC Advances (RSC) SCIE
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical (Elsevier) SCI
Sensors and Actuator B: Chemical (Elsevier) SCI
Talanta (Elsevier) SCI
The Journal of Electrochemical Society (IOPScience) SCI